
Hello World!

So I guess I should point out now, before anything, that I am totally new to the world of blogging. It's like creating a homepage for the first time. Only that now i guess the content is more important than ever.

I will start by telling you, potential reader, about who I am.

My name is Robin and I live in a small town called Vasa, in the land of the thousand lakes, Finland. I've just passed the age of halfway-to-50, and realized that studies should be finished by now. Therefore I took a small break from my daily work in the boat business and continued my ongoing studies that SHOULD be finished by the fall of 2012. This also explains why I have the time over to work on a blog (because study life in Finland isn't always as effective as it should be)..

This blog which was named Electro Cloud will be featuring mainly posts about new electronic music. What other Eastern Eggs this page will contain is still a mystery. To be honest. I haven't decided yet how serious this blog is going to be. But I guess time will tell. Maybe one of the charming things about blogging is that you really don't know what the future will hold.

The story about my continuous need of electronic music will be published later.

I will post something that will summarize quite good what type of music this blog is going to be about. It is a mix of great music I put together last month (September):

September 2011 Selection, by Erkaa™ by Erkaa

Hope you enjoyed?
Over and out